There is a little bit of 'Anti' in us all.
Paranoia. Feelings that we don't understand. A desire to put someone else's imposed will...to rest.
Sometimes. There are days when we all want to 'stick-it' to the authority. The depressing people who seek to mash our happiness and thoughts. Been there before?
You have to ask yourself, when you get to that point...Are they doing it for my own betterment? If not, then what you are?
What are you made of?
Do you lay down, and do as your told as those who tell you, do different?
Or, do you cite these irregularities and hypocrisies?
What do YOU do?
Its in these moments of confusion and self-tormenting when you tear at your corners and the veins in your eyes grow dry...your mind contemplates the effects of raising your voice...of becoming something more than your comfortable self.
Putting down the ones who oppress us is never easy. If you need a rallying point, use "V for Vendetta", the movie. If that does not do it for you, pack up your thoughts and opinions and...well...continue being the pavement people walk on.
As for me...and my friends. We will rise as one, fueled by what we know is right, and what we see as right. One must be careful in times of insurrection. Know your battles, the players, the opinions, and most importantly, know the facts.
"Never stop asking why, Sam", My teacher told me. Never stop asking why!
Look at cases around the world; Africa, Venezuela, Iran, China. Its everywhere.
Today is a tribute to insurrectionists all over the world. Happy Guy Fawkes Day everyone. Happy day to stick it to your boss, who runs the company as if it was his. Happy day to stick to your "so called friends" who just use you. Happy stick it to the ones who make your life, less fun to live.
Its when you quite your voice, that you loose the ability to maintain what you are, and become what you can. Don't limit yourself, and in the end, have a nice day!